I am a technology coach and chair of the Learner Agency team at ISG Jubail in Saudi Arabia. I have been here for four years now, next year will be my fifth year. Previously I was an elementary teacher in the UK, Colombia and China (PYP) and also taught MYP Design in China. In total I’ve spent twelve years overseas and I love the international mix of colleagues and students I get the privilege to work with.
I signed up for The Coach Microcredential program as I would like to have a stronger impact. Our school district mandated that each of the schools employed a digital learning coach and with a handful of literacy coaches and a maths coach we had a strong team for a year or two – although I was, and am still, alone in my school and for part of the time I had to teach classes. Over the past four years, one by one the coaches got reassigned to classrooms or left and were not replaced. I am the last coach in the District and I feel lucky to have my job next year.
In the Elementary school we moved from a stand alone IT class to technology integration and I have been working with teachers to promote student agency and innovation and we have made some really exciting changes. Next year I will be working K-12 and I am hoping to continue the progress we have made across the school.
I have been teaching for over 20 years. I currently teach middle school physical education and life skills at an international school in Shenzhen, China. In addition to teaching physical education and health classes, I have taught computer education and Earth science. I have taught students Prek-12.
I am currently completing my doctorate in curriculum and teaching and organizational leadership. When complete, I will pursue the position of curriculum coordinator. In this position and my current position of service learning coordinator, I am looking to more effectively share my knowledge with my colleagues. I believe this class can assist me in becoming a better teammate.
Prior to teaching overseas, I taught in the US for 15 years. I left when my school closed.
I am looking forward to learning and expanding my PLN.
I have been in this integrator/facilitator/digital learning coach position for over 20 years at the International School of Luxembourg. It feels weird to be in a group of globetrotting teachers as someone who has chosen to stay in one spot for so long. It didn’t start out that way. I moved every year or every two years of my whole life until I landed in Luxembourg. As an adult, I had chosen to continue the lifestyle my parents had raised me in, so, my first few years of teaching were in New Mexico, Iceland and England, with plans to keep up the style of living. Fortunately for me, fate had other plans. Even though I have been at ISL for over 20 years, I have had the good fortune of working with diverse and interesting educators during their short stints at my school. I think this has kept me enthusiastic and energetic.
I love living and learning with technology. I love inquiring into how things work alongside our students, and teachers.
My hopes for this course are to distill some of that special sauce that makes working with some teachers so successful, so that I can be more ecumenical in my school. I have have been working with the willing for so long, that I think I have to break some misconceptions with colleagues who are starting to feel left behind.
I am originally from Nova Scotia, Canada. I’ve been teaching abroad since 2005, and I am currently in Dubai, UAE. Originally an Elementary teacher, this year I am a Middle School Technology and Innovation Coach. The change from ES to MS, as well as from class teacher to coach, has been exciting. You can follow my journey on Twitter if you like! @MeghanGw
I decided to start the Coach Microcredential for a variety of reasons. But mainly, I wanted to do something to give me a boost in the right direction. I am so passionate about tech and innovation, and I also love helping people. I am loving my job so far, but I feel that with this microcredential under my belt, I can help take my position and my colleagues/school to an amazing place.
My school has plenty of awesome tech tools to offer students from K-12. My job, more or less, is to help our Middle School teachers integrate tech into their lessons. This year has been a very transitionary year in MS with many changes, and as a result, I have had to wear a few different hats. I don’t feel that I’ve been able to wear my coach hat as often as say, my “yes I can co-teach your class with x technology” hat or my “yes I can create a video for x event” hat. I do enjoy all aspects of my job, but there isn’t much of a coaching culture in my school… yet. There are a number of colleagues I have worked with this year, and helped increase their comfort level with tech and helped them become more innovative with their lessons, but I am really looking forward to next year where I can build upon this year and help my colleagues grow even further. The “coach” part of my job is the part I am most excited about!
Right now, my goals for this program would be a) to develop and practice coaching skills with a technology focus so that I may better support my team, and b) help nurture a stronger coaching culture in my Middle school.
I’m a MYP Design teacher at Western Academy of Beijing. Before moving to China I was the Academic Technology Coordinator (K-12) at AIS, Saigon. I am constantly on the hunt for new learning opportunities in order to better serve my students and share insights with my colleagues and global PLN.
I am currently involved in the Creating Cultures of Thinking WAB Flexible Learning Spaces cohort and Eduro Learning’s The Coach Microcredential program.