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Instructional Coaching Books
Building your coaching library? These are the books we recommend:
Top 3 Favorites
- Coaching Matters, Joellen Killion, Cindy Harrison, Chris Bryan, Heather Clifton
- Building Teachers’ Capacity for Success….. A Collaborative Approach for Coaches and School Leaders, Pete Hall, Alissa Simeral
- Mentoring Matters, Laura Lipton, Bruce Wellman
Other favorites
- The PD Book, Elena Aguilar
- Assessing Impact: Evaluating Professional Learning, Joellen Killion
- Got Data, Laura Lipton, Bruce Wellman
- Coaching: Approaches & Perspectives edited by Jim Knight
- Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching, Stephen Barkley
- Coaching for Equity, Elena Aguilar
- The Art of Coaching, Elena Aguilar
- The Art of Coaching Teams, Elena Aguilar
- Onward, Elena Aguilar
- Cognitive Coaching: A Foundation for Renaissance Schools, Art Costa, Robert Garmston
- Cognitive Coaching, Art Costa, Robert Garmston
- The Adaptive School, Robert Garmston, Bruce Wellman
- Student Centered Coaching, Diane Sweeney
- Student Centered Coaching at the Secondary Level, Diane Sweeney
- The Essential Guide to Student Centered Coaching, Diane Sweeney
- The Impact Cycle, Jim Knight
- Better Conversations, Jim Knight
- Evaluating Instructional Coaching, Jim Knight
- The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching, Jim Knnight
- The EduCoach Survival Guide, Lindsay Deacon, Angela Harkness
Leadership Books
Not directly coaching related, but will support your coaching and leadership work:
- Personalized Professional Learning, Allison Rodman
- Learning by Doing: PLC Handbook, by Richard DuFour
- Having Hard Conversations, Jennifer Abrams
- Swimming in the Deep End, Jennifer Abrams
- Leadership and the New Science, Margaret Wheatley
- The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker
- The Coaching Habit, Michael Stainer
- Start with Why, Simon Sinek
- Crossing the Chasm
- Good to Great, Michael Fullen
- Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath
Checklists & Templates
Practical resources you can print & use:
- Coaching Matters Chapter by Chapter Resource Lists (GOLD MINE)
- Jim Knight The Impact Cycle Resource Lists
- Coaching Team Tools (Bright Morning Team, Elena Augilar)
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