#coachbetter blog posts …

Inside the Coach: Working with Adults

Inside the Coach: Working with Adults

Follow Ashley The Topic: Working with Adults & Teams The Task: Share your experience and learning about working with adults I have learned so much from my early days of coaching. When I started coaching I had only had one course in a literacy master’s that briefly...

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Inside the Coach: The Coach as Change Agent

Inside the Coach: The Coach as Change Agent

Follow Karli The Topic: Coaches as Leaders The Task: Reflect on an experience where a new program was implemented in your school setting. What was the change that was implemented? Our school implemented a change initiative around deeper learning which basically means...

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Inside the Coach: Seeing Yourself as a Leader

Inside the Coach: Seeing Yourself as a Leader

Follow Becca The Topic: Foundations for Success The Task: Individual reflection on leadership When I sat down to complete this post, I honestly struggled a lot. I was focused on how I am a leader as a coach and felt the imposter syndrome set in something fierce. I had...

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Inside the Coach: Seeing Yourself as a Leader

Inside the Coach: Dealing with Challenges

Follow Becca The Topic: Coaching Challenges The Task: After reviewing some of the surprising challenges that all coaches face, reflect on your own experience. What surprised you most when you became a coach? What was your biggest challenge? The biggest surprise for me...

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Inside the Coach: The Importance of Relationships in Instructional Coaching

Inside the Coach: Working with Adults

Follow Kate The Topic: Working with Adults and Teams The Task: Share your thoughts about your experience working with adults. Think back to your early days working with adults. What do you know now that you would have done differently then? In my early days of working...

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#coachbetter edition

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