We would like to introduce you to one of our graduates of The Coach Certificate and Mentorship Program! With over a hundred graduates since 2019, educators taking The Coach come into the program with different backgrounds, experiences and goals. Because the program is designed to be flexible and practical in nature, each graduate is able to customize their learning experience for exactly their needs – with the support of a mentor and the global community the whole way!
The Coach follows the Thrive Model for Sustainable Instructional Coaching, a proven framework for success in developing your coaching practice – for you as an individual coach and for your coaching program in your school. These educators have graciously given us permission to post some of their learning and reflections from the private coursework they are undertaking during this program.
Meet Nicola
Nicola came to The Coach with many years of experience coaching, in multiple schools, but she rarely stop to take time to identify what’s really working and to reflect on her practice as a coach. The Coach provided her a framework, and the space, time and support to actually stop and connect all the work she’s been doing with the results of students and teachers.
She says…
“My biggest area of growth has been intentionality in collecting feedback and documenting evidence from student work and teacher reflections.”
I had reached the point where I needed outside perspectives and a moment to deeply reflect on my programme and my practice. The coach needed a coach! After coaching for 18 years in various capacities, this is the first year I have truly stopped to whole-heartedly concentrate on my own growth as a coach.
If I can’t stop to ascertain the impact of my role on teaching and learning, then how can I expect those who I work with to stop and make the time to reflect on their own practice?
The Coach has brought a feeling of completeness and cohesion. I appreciate the sense that the work I have done over the last 5 years can be documented as a complete programme. It almost feels like the justification of my role.
When Nicola was in The Coach, she chose to focus on measuring her impact because that was the next opportunity for growth in her practice. You’ll have the option to chose what feels right for you when you join the program too!
Watch Nicola’s Final Project
At the end of The Coach, all participants complete a Learning Journey Video Reflection…
The Learning Journey Video Reflection is a chance for you to reflect on everything you’ve learned and/or discovered throughout this Certificate Program. You will create an 8-10 min video sharing on the goal that you set, documenting the process of working towards your goal, reflecting on your achievement and sharing the process/outcome with our learning community. The most important part of your personal project is that it’s relevant to you, and you can demonstrate, through documentation and video, the impact your work has had on your school.
Nicola says…
From the outset of this program I wanted to take the year as a chance to step back and reflect on everything I had built up so far. I wanted to find opportunities to plug holes, identify gaps, and enhance elements I already had in place. Quite quickly it became evident that I also had a more specific goal to focus on: collecting and analyzing data on the impact of coaching on teaching and learning.
Watch Nicola’s Learning Journey Video Reflection here!

Learn More About Nicola’s Experience!
Nicola was recently featured on the #coachbetter podcast in a Case Study episode.
These case study episodes are designed to share the story of a coach, and the development of their coaching program and practice in their unique setting. At the time of recording, Nicola was Instructional Coach at IPS Hilversum, the Netherlands and she had just graduated from The Coach Certificate & Mentorship Program. In this episode we talk how Nicola built the coaching program at her school from scratch – starting with pitching the position of instructional coach, all the way through multiple years of implementation. We talk about what coaching looked like when it first started, how it changed over time, what challenges she faced, and her “aha’ moments in her coaching practice and in The Coach Certificate and Mentorship Program. If you’re curious about implementing an instructional coaching program from scratch, this episode is for you!
Listen to the case study episode of the #coachbetter podcast with Nicola here!

Want to Learn in a Community Like This?
If you’re finding value in these episodes and you’re working to be more intentional in your coaching practice in the upcoming year, please join us for the next global cohort of The Coach Certificate and Mentorship Program. Registration will open in early September and the program will run from the end of September 2024 – May 2025.
The Coach Certificate & Mentorship Program is a comprehensive academic-year-long professional learning experience designed for experienced educators who are ready to be intentional and strategic in their instructional coaching role so they can build a thriving coaching culture. This course on the essential foundations of instructional coaching and building an instructional coaching program.
In The Coach we’ll support you in developing your coaching practice and program following the Thrive Model for Instructional Coaching success.
Not only will you learn everything you need to be successful as a K12 instructional coach, with an entire academic year of curated coaching content, but you’ll also get the support of a mentor to adapt your learning to exactly your needs & experience level for the entire program!
The program is truly personalized – because we know you’re coming to The Coach with your own experience and expertise. So wherever you are in your coaching journey, we can support you in taking the next step forward.
Plus, inside our private community, you’ll learn with a global cohort of coaches from schools around the world, so you can see how coaching really works in other schools – and build your network of coaches!
Our global cohorts open only once a year (and it’s coming up soon!) – get all the details and join the waitlist for our next cohort at edurolearning.com/coach
If you’re not sure if The Coach is right for you, send me a DM at EduroLearning on social media and let’s talk it through! I’d love to support you on your coaching journey!

Find out more at: https://edurolearning.com/coach/
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