In this #coachbetter episode, Kim talks with Dr. Will Deyamport, host of the Dr. Will Show, documentary filmmaker, and Instructional Technologist at Hattiesburg Public School District. They talk about the importance of understanding that the work we do as educators has value, and the lessons Dr. Will has learned from working with, and becoming an, edupreneur. Kim and Dr. Will also chat about the importance of being a relentless learner and the value of 24/7 access to learning opportunities in digital spaces – for both teachers and students. If you’re passionate about professional growth and want to instill that “relentless learner” energy in your school community, you’re going to love this episode!
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Something you’re excited about in terms of learning & learning innovation
Once you close the hope gap, you close the achievement gap. Once you expand their worldview, they can see what’s possible.
“We live in a capitalist society and I can’t pay my mortgage with my calling.” Money is just a tool to live a certain kind of life. You’re not betraying your field for earning money. Understand what you do has value. When your ends aren’t meeting and you have to pick up a second job, or work full time during the summer, why is that OK with you, but you creating a store where you write your lesson plans isn’t?
In terms of mindset, you’re a teacher, but you’re a human first, in order for you to live a complete life, means you need to be able to afford that complete life.
“Financial Literacy Education: The Fifth ‘C’” by Dr. Will Deyamport, III (on Schoology)
What was different about all of the people you spoke to about being an edupreneur?
None of them intended to be an entrepreneur. “Edupreneurs realized they can make a greater impact, as well as the income.” What really flipped the switch for me was realizing at a conference that the speaker is getting a check. What they were doing wasn’t anything beyond what I do in the scope of my work. It hit me, that I have value. These conferences wouldn’t be what they were if educators weren’t providing value.
Seek out a life that is inspiring to you.
Your Vision for Professional Learning
I love learning about business, leadership, online learning, and faith. Things that are about me becoming my best self. Me pushing myself forward. Not only as an individual, an entrepreneur, but intellectually. I don’t live by other people’s expectations. I live by my own. And my own is always about how can I be a better person. How can I take my strengths and maximize what I was given?
I get up, turn on YT, watch videos, trying to learn and let it marinate, because there are some things I want to accomplish in the future. I know to get there, I have to keep learning. Digital gives you 24/7 access to the world’s information. There’s no limit, it’s dynamic (not static). Kids can pursue their own passions and provide different evidence of their own learning. When you have kids creating things and owning what they’re doing, they’re having experience with real skills and tools they can use.
Without a PLN, you confine your learning to your school, or your district, instead of having access to a world of educators doing new and innovative things, that can challenge your thinking & help you move forward. I want teachers to have that feeling that I can learn what I want, and whenever I want. I can pursue my passions, anything that lights me up.
What are you doing that is challenging, exciting or interesting in your work?
Creating a professional development library for teachers – to enable teachers to learn from other teachers at districts they don’t have access to, and for new teachers.
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