We want to give you a peek inside our Coach Certificate & Mentorship Program. Coaches taking part in this academic-year-long journey have graciously given us permission to post some of their learning and reflections from the private coursework they are undertaking during this program. Where possible, we have shared the course and the action task to give context for the guest post.
The Topic: Phase 2: Implement Consistently
The Task: Share your artifact and a written reflection on your learning during this phase.
What were your key “aha” moments during Phase 2: Implement Consistently?
It is very important to take into account the nuanced differences between adults and children when it comes to learning. Coaches need to be able to identify the needs of the adult learner (by listening carefully) and apply adult learning theories. One of the resources that really resonated with me was Mind the Gap by Elena Aguilar and I find this a very useful lens to take when listening to coachees. It is similar to listening for the states of mind, but I find the MInd the Gap easier to think about and use.
There are a lot of different coaching cycles out there and they have a lot of similarities. Creating a version that makes sense to me and my community is important.
Being more aware of and intentional about coaching stances was a key take away from this phase. I made it my goal to pay attention to the different coaching stances and when I was switching between them. I want to look and listen for cues that will help me shift stances to be responsive to teachers’ needs. I also wanted to put more emphasis on the advocacy stance.
Rehearsing and planning for meetings has been helpful. Considering the structure I might take and the questions that might support the goal of the meeting has improved how conversations and meetings go.
What artifact did you choose to create and share and why?
For this phase I chose to create a coaching cycle VISUAL REPRESENTATION in order to help communicate the coaching process with my team and individual teachers. First and foremost though, it helped me get clarity on the components of the cycle so I felt confident of where I was at. It helped me feel less disjointed with the work I was doing with teachers especially in the area of our team goal.
What did you learn in the creation of this artifact?
I looked at a lot of cycles when researching for this artifact and found a wide spectrum of models from very simple to very detailed. I think the level of detail needed depends on the audience and how it will be used. Sometimes, I think it is good to see just a big picture of the cycle and therefore a simple version of the main parts of a coaching cycle is all that is necessary. Other times, descriptions of what happens at different stages of a coaching cycle is needed so that it makes sense.
This is something I struggled with when trying to decide how much detail to put into my coaching cycle. This led me to want to create an interactive digital coaching cycle infographic that would reveal different levels of detail when clicking on icons or rolling over components. This version is still to come since my tech skills in this area are still developing. But I do have a good vision for what it could look like and how it would work. Creating something like this would make it more approachable to a wider audience. Right now, I have my drawn by hand version! I love creating first by hand. However, it becomes too time consuming to create new versions every time you want to make a change.
How has this artifact moved you closer to consistency in your coaching role or program?
Having a clearly articulated coaching cycle helps me to be consistent in the approach I take both with individual teachers and with our team. The more I use it, the more familiar it will feel to everyone. Using the language of the coaching cycle and the questions that support each part is ongoing for where we are at as a school.
Where are you at in terms of consistency in your coaching role or program right now?
This phase has been packed with useful information. Each module helped me to feel more knowledgeable and therefore more confident. While I am growing, I know there is a need for me to keep communicating aspects of this role to my team. There is so much on the teacher’s plate that it can be challenging for them to find time to consider working with a coach or how it might help them. One thing that is becoming very evident is that every teacher is different and has different needs or preferences for working together. So while I am trying to bring consistency to the role, I am also trying to stay responsive to these differences. So my work looks different with different teachers.
What are the next steps you need to take to further increase consistency in your coaching role or program?
Continue to seek feedback both informal and formal
Keep reflecting on my coaching stances and how these help me to be responsive to teachers needs
Continue to communicate aspects of the role with the team
Read more from The Coach participants as they share their learning from the certificate & mentorship program…
Ian: Navigating Teacher Buy-in For Instructional Coaching
Kate: Reflecting on a Post Observation Conversation
Ashley: Measuring Your Impact as an Instructional Coach
Tracy: My Coaching Philosophy
Level Up Your Coaching with The Coach!
If you are ready to dive deep into your coaching practice, to help you #coachbetter and build a thriving coaching culture in your school, please join us for our next cohort of The Coach!
Wherever you are in building a coaching culture in your school, The Coach will give you the strategies, skills and tools you need to make coaching a success and will empower you to confidently apply instructional coaching strategies in any situation – from building a coaching program, to having coaching conversations, to being a leader in your school community. We facilitate only one cohort each academic year so we can offer individualized support for each participant.
Coaches of all levels are welcome: you’ll start the program with a self-assessment to determine exactly what the next steps are for you!

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