When you join The Coach Microcredential, you not only get a mentor for the academic year, but you also join a cohort of like-minded colleagues who are also working on improving their instructional coaching practice just like you. In each cohort, our participants are all located around the world, so you get to build your Personal Learning Network, while you learn about coaching practices in schools from all over the globe. Because those conversations happen in our private learning management system and messaging channels, we want to give you the opportunity to meet the coaches who are learning with us this academic year.
Today we’re introducing our Premium cohort. These coaches are working with Kim as their mentor, and they meet and connect as a cohort regularly to share stories and experiences and reflect on their learning.
Cary Hart

I am originally from Mt. Pleasant, Mississippi, USA. I am currently living and working at the Anglo-American School of Moscow, Russia. My current job title is ES Tech Coordinator and Integrationist, but that is changing to Technology Innovator.
I decided to join the microcredential because my team was looking for something that was relevant specifically to coaching and tech. Two of us had already completed COETAIL so we knew about Eduro and thought that it would be a good fit for us.
I have been a Tech Integrationist since 2012. In that time I have helped to implement 1:1 iPad programs in two schools and train teachers to use them during lessons. My biggest successes have been when teachers come to me with a learning goal and we work together to develop technology skills in their students so that they can achieve the learning goals using technology as a tool and not the goal.
I am most looking forward to having a full team! I have only had a full team for about 75% of 1 of my 4 years at my current school, so I am hoping that next year does not start with visa issues and allows us to dig into our program and really look at how to best move it forward.
My goals for myself are to figure out the best ways to move from a consultant to a coach by making teachers feel empowered in their tech use. (distance learning, I hope, will help boost this desire in teachers)
Amy Garrett

Hi all, I’m Amy Garrett, a Midwest USA Iowa-Native turned decade+ expat via Cairo, Mumbai, Shanghai, Istanbul and now living in Hong Kong with my husband and 5 year old son. I am serving as an Ed Tech and Design Coach in the Upper Primary (grades 3-5) at Hong Kong International School.
I actually wanted to join the Coach cohort in spring 2019; as I transitioned into this coaching role in a new school, but decided to pause to properly transition my family to our new home. I have taken Eduro Learning courses online in the past and enjoy what is shared out in their social media channels and have a lot of personal contacts connected to the Eduro PLN. I have been blessed to work alongside
phenomenal colleagues in excellent schools around the globe who have inspired my practice and my passion for coaching.
This has been a wild first year in my role in a new school and new city. We’ve faced closures for protests and the virus which have impacted our sense of “normal” I’m looking forward to taking the momentum and the ground I’ve gained through this year to build upon new normals moving forward first in my division but also collectively schoolwide- in terms of digital proficiencies for students and teachers as well as the coaching capacity for myself personally and our school as a whole. My personal goals are to utilize the content and mentorship as I develop and roll out many key strategic plans for our division moving forward, as well as developing my PLN and connecting with other educators through our cohort. I am thankful for the outside perspective, and sounding board as I develop many of these plans and policies at my school as well. The mentorship of this program was a huge draw, and I look forward to being able to apply my learning and pose questions in our sessions that directly relate to my immediate reality- responsive, real-time authentic applications of my coursework and mentoring conversations. Looking forward to the learning!
Abby Al Bassam

Hi! My name is Abby Al Bassam. I am originally from Battle Creek, Michigan, but I am teaching in Kuwait at the American International School Kuwait. I am currently the Grade Level Leader for Grade 1, but I
am transitioning to a K-12 Instructional Coach for Literacy position starting in the fall of 2020.
I decided to join The Coach because I am transitioning into a new coaching role. I thought this would be the perfect time to learn as much as possible, so I can better help the teachers at my school. As a Grade Level Leader, I have been able to practice some of my coaching skills and I am excited to take the next step as a coach.
My sister, Lissa Layman, has always been a great role model for me. Her work with Eduro Learning prompted me to work with Kim in the private mentor program. From there, all signs pointed to The Coach. I am very excited for the work ahead. I want to be able to take what I learn and bring it back to my school and the other coaches I will be working with. I am hoping to help define the role of the coach at my school for admin and teachers, as well as for our coaching team.
Frank Hua

Hello all, my name is Frank Hua and I am originally from Barrie, ON, Canada. I am currently working in Panama City, Panama but now I’m remotely working from Halifax, Nova Scotia. My current job title is STEM Teacher for elementary school but I’ll be changing positions and divisions next year and will be teaching high school Innovation & Entrepreneurship Certificate program along with being the HS tech coach. My twitter handle is @PhuHua
The reason why I decided to join The Coach Mircocredential is that I wanted to develop a stronger understanding of what it means to become a better coach. I’ve been coaching for years now without any training but figured it out as I went. The reason why I’m doing it now is because I’m transitioning to a new position and my school is providing me the financial support to complete this training.
I’ve been coaching, training and helping teachers for the last ten years beginning at a newly built small school in Ho Chi Minh City, called Saigon Pearl. As the IT director, I had to induct all the staff to all the
systems we were using and most of the hardware that came with the classroom. It came naturally to me, I am always willing to help anyone in need. This role allowed me to move to a more established school in HCMC at International School of Ho Chi Minh City. Over the 8 year there, I was a MS Design teacher and also the IT coordinator for primary school. My role included coaching & training teachers, setting up iPad programs, designing new innovative spaces, implementing MDMs, and many other projects.
As I was informed of my new role next year, I was told that I should take some sort of coaching program. I looked all over and found Diane Sweeney’s and Jim Knight’s coaching programs but they didn’t really appeal to me. As the COETAIL registration deadline was coming up, I remembered Eduro Learning also does a coaching program as well. Plus I knew Kim and knew that if she was running this program, it would be great!
I guess the reason why I joined this cohort was timing. Right time, right place, right program, right fit…
I’m looking forward to improving the relationship side of my coaching. I feel that I am able to keep up with the technical side of things but I need to improve the relationship aspect. I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to enhance my coaching and take it to the next level. Some of the goals I’m setting are: improving relationship building, following up with teachers & reaching out to as many teachers and admin as possible.
The way that this program is personalized for me is going to make it “just right”. Kim knows what my roles were and what they will be moving forward, and she’s be able to tailor the program to my needs.
Shei Ascencio

I’m Shei Ascencio, originally from Mexico. I’ve been fortunate to live in Eritrea, UAE, Uzbekistan, China, and now working in Angola but teaching online from Winnipeg, Canada with my husband and my 6 year old son. I teach Spanish Language Acquisition in the MYP and DP and Coordinate CAS at Luanda International School.
I’ve been very lucky to have various opportunities as a leader, but also have been incredibly fortunate to work and learn from very inspiring leaders. I see the benefits that positive and courageous coaching can bring to a school community, and how it can transform learning & teaching. I believe in always being an active learner, improve our own skills as educators and continue growing professionally. I believe that learning with this community will allow me to become a better educator and leader.
Besides working as an educator, I also serve as a workshop facilitator, school visitor and consultant for different organizations. My main goal is to become a coach that can empower, inspire, foster strong relationships, and support both educators and students. I’m very much looking forward to learning with this incredible team.
Paul Carpenter

My name is Paul Carpenter. Originally from Minnesota, USA, my first full-time education gig was teaching HS English and Journalism in Bangkok, Thailand, at Ruamrudee International School. From there I continued for over 20 years as a 7-12 English and Humanities teacher at Breck School in Minneapolis, Surabaya International School in Indonesia, and then to the Anglo-American School in Moscow, Russia. Along the way, I have also served in leadership roles as
teacher mentor, head of department, grade level leader, and secondary coordinator. After completing the COETAIL certification with online #2 cohort, I transitioned from classroom teacher to technology integration in MS and HS, and currently my job title is Digital Learning Director. I am active on Twitter at @pauljcarpenter, which one way I maintain connections with so many fantastic educators and coaches I have met at Learning2 and other edtech-focused events.
As an educator, I have often been unsatisfied with both professional development and educator appraisal processes, and I feel that a coaching approach can help to transform school culture toward innovation and self-direction for educator growth. In the past year, I attended Cognitive Coaching training and look forward to blending those skills more directly with instructional coaching around technology and innovation. In this cohort of The Coach, I am aiming to strengthen my own coaching capabilities and hoping to gain insights into ways we might best leverage coaching to support teachers who are adapting to remote teaching in the near future.
Debra Hernanz

My name is Debra Hernanz (@debrahernanz) I was born in Japan. I am a bit of a TCK but mainly grew up in Portland, Oregon. Education is a second career for me it’s been eleven years now since my first real teaching job at American International School Vietnam. Later I moved on to Concordia International School Hanoi as one of the founding teachers building the campus. An opportunity to Evergreen School District in Washington as an EdTech Teacher on Special Assignment brought me back to the US. I currently live in Portland where I am the Lower School (PreK-5) Education Technology Specialist at Oregon Episcopal School.
I’m a COETAIL Grad and stayed connected with Eduro attending PD Sessions. Last year I had a project at work and went to Kim for Coaching. This mentorship kept me on track with my project and with the confidence of being prepared led to new career opportunities with my current position. I decided to continue the mentorship during my first year here at OES and Kim has been there to support, celebrate and provide gentle nudges towards constructive change.
The Coach is a natural progression in terms of professional growth. I’m inspired by Kim and her work with me. While our one-on-one mentorship has been beneficial we agreed the timing was right for the next bend in the road. I’m the grasshopper in training! This next academic year I’m looking forward to defining my role with colleagues , continuing to shape the EdTech program at my school and learning alongside with members of the cohort. I hope to impact others in the same ways Kim has done for me.
Course work goals are to connect with the cohort and connect the course content to my world here at OES. At this time the fit is just right. I’m looking forward to taking some time to relax, catch up and learn more about everyone here.
Level Up Your Coaching with The Coach!
If you are ready to dive deep into your coaching practice, to help you #coachbetter and build a thriving coaching culture in your school, please join us for our next cohort of The Coach!
Wherever you are in building a coaching culture in your school, The Coach will give you the strategies, skills and tools you need to make coaching a success and will empower you to confidently apply instructional coaching strategies in any situation – from building a coaching program, to having coaching conversations, to being a leader in your school community. We facilitate only one cohort each academic year so we can offer individualized support for each participant.
Coaches of all levels are welcome: you’ll start the program with a self-assessment to determine exactly what the next steps are for you!
Registration for our next global cohort opens once a year – check the website for details!

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