We want to give you a peek inside our Coach Certificate & Mentorship Program. Coaches taking part in this academic-year-long journey have graciously given us permission to post some of their learning and reflections from the private coursework they are undertaking during this program. Where possible, we have shared the course and the action task to give context for the guest post.

The TopicLearning Journey Video Reflection

The TaskTell the story of your personal learning journey throughout The Coach

Watch Saadia’s Video

Read Saadia’s Reflection

Navigating the Coaching Landscape: A Reflective Journey

At the onset of this coaching course, my goals were nebulous, driven by curiosity but lacking a clear understanding of coaching’s intricate process. Over time, a profound transformation occurred, leading to a comprehensive grasp of coaching, its responsibilities, and the diverse roles a coach assumes. This journey involved dispelling myths, embracing intentional questioning, and acquiring valuable skills through dedicated learning and practice.

Growth in Coaching Capacity:

My coaching capacity has undergone significant evolution. Skills in active listening, effective questioning, and creating a supportive coaching environment have been honed. A deeper understanding of various coaching models allows me to tailor approaches to meet the specific needs of teachers. This growth in capacity enhances my effectiveness as a coach, fostering meaningful connections with those I support. This course has helped me develop and practice a functional coaching vision and mission for the learning community.

Development of Emotional Intelligence:

A heightened sense of emotional intelligence has emerged, recognizing the importance of empathy, understanding, and emotional support in coaching relationships. This evolution enables the establishment of stronger connections with educators, fostering an environment conducive to their professional development. Emotional intelligence has become a cornerstone of my coaching philosophy.

Building Resilience:

Coaching often involves navigating challenges and setbacks. Through this journey, resilience has been cultivated. Challenges are now viewed as opportunities for growth, and setbacks are approached with a mindset of continuous improvement. This newfound resilience fortifies my commitment to coaching, allowing me to persevere through obstacles and maintain motivation.

Embracing Lifelong Learning Habits:

An unwavering commitment to lifelong learning has become integral to my coaching philosophy. Actively seeking new knowledge, staying updated with the latest coaching practices, and participating in professional development opportunities contribute to ongoing growth. Sharing this learning with the broader community through social media adds a layer of positivity and clarity.

Taking Feedback for Improvement:

Feedback, once perceived as a potential threat, is now embraced as an invaluable tool for self-improvement. Actively seeking feedback from peers, colleagues, and those I coach has become a routine. Constructive criticism is welcomed, providing insights that refine my coaching approach and contribute to continual professional development.

In conclusion, this reflective journey through the coaching landscape has shaped my professional and personal growth. From enhanced coaching capacity to the development of emotional intelligence, building resilience, embracing lifelong learning, and valuing feedback, each aspect contributes to a holistic and effective coaching approach. As I continue on this coaching expedition, I look forward to further refining these aspects and making a positive impact on the educators and the broader educational community I serve.

Level Up Your Coaching with The Coach!

If you are ready to dive deep into your coaching practice, to help you #coachbetter and build a thriving coaching culture in your school, please join us for our next cohort of The Coach!

Wherever you are in building a coaching culture in your school, The Coach will give you the strategies, skills and tools you need to make coaching a success and will empower you to confidently apply instructional coaching strategies in any situation – from building a coaching program, to having coaching conversations, to being a leader in your school community. We facilitate only one cohort each academic year so we can offer individualized support for each participant.

Coaches of all levels are welcome: you’ll start the program with a self-assessment to determine exactly what the next steps are for you!
