We want to give you a peek inside our Coach Certificate & Mentorship Program. Coaches taking part in this academic-year-long journey have graciously given us permission to post some of their learning and reflections from the private coursework they are undertaking during this program. Where possible, we have shared the course and the action task to give context for the guest post.

The Coach: Mid-Point Reflection

The Topic: Mid Point Reflection: Around half way through The Coach program, we ask participants to reflect on their journey so far. The purpose behind this task is to help them acknowledge how far they’ve come and prepare them for the Personal Project at the very end of the program.

The Task: Create a 3-5 minute video reflecting on your journey so far within The Coach. Share your responses to the prompts below:

  • Think back to the initial goal(s) you set for yourself at the beginning of this microcredential program. Have your goals changed? If so, briefly explain how/why?
  • What has impacted your thinking so far?
  • What are you excited about?

Reflection by Jo Burn, Primary School German Team Leader, International School Zug & Luzern

My initial goals have not changed as such, but they have evolved a I now see even greater potential for the school in using coaching as a leadership strategy, especially in the context of teacher professional development. Initially I was looking at my own skills as a team leader, but now I am looking more expansively at the whole school possibilities.

The greater impact on my thinking has been the breadth of the reading and my personal research and the conversations with Diana. These have allowed me to bring my sometimes nebulous ideas into a more concrete reality!

I am excited about the potential coaching has at school if I can find a way for it to be taken on board by the senior leadership. The potential for teacher leaders, peer to peer PD and supporting teams is very exciting.

I am also excited about the progress I can see within the team. One of my goals was to get away fron the ‘meeting after the meeting’ syndrome, and this is almost entirely disappeared from our team. The culture is far more positive, inclusive and collaborative. It is exciting to see the original goals and to see the change that has already occurred. I can see that there is greater capacity and resilience in the team, despite it not being the easiest of years for teaching!

Watch Jo’s Mid-Point Reflection

Read more from The Coach participants as they share their learning from the microcredential program…

Sandra’s post: Coaching In Practice

Cary’s post: The Coaching Cycles

Jo’s post: The Coach Approach

Amy’s post: What is the Value of a PLN as a Coach?

Meg’s post: Gaining Skills and Self Confidence in Coaching

Level Up Your Coaching with The Coach Microcredential

Are you ready to make a bigger impact in your school community? If you are ready to commit to your professional growth, please join us for our next cohort of The Coach Microcredential.

If you are thinking now is the time to invest in a coach for you, please join us for The Coach Microcredential! Registration opens only once a year, and we would love to have you in our next cohort. Of course, these kind of mentoring conversations are included in The Coach, that personal connection and guidance is built into the Academy and Premium cohorts.

After a very unusual year, now is the time to invest in yourself, to build up your professional learning network of educators around the world and connect with a community that inspires you! Plus, you’ll have a mentor who is an outside sounding board who will help you get outside of the group think or tunnel vision you might be stuck in, in your school context.

Since the program is sustained over an entire academic year, you are growing with your coach over that time, helping deepen your learning throughout the course of the program. The regular meetings with your mentor will help you reflect on the coaching challenges and opportunities that you find yourself presented with.

Of course The Coach is totally customized learning. We have standard content that we share with everyone, but then each time you meet with your mentor, every conversation is tailored exactly to your needs, including regular check-ins that will help provide you with customized resources that you need to help you keep growing in your role.

If you are ready to make a bigger impact in your school context, The Coach is for you! Learn more here!

Join our next cohort of The Coach!
Registration closes 21 March 2021