by Kim Cofino | Sep 27, 2023 | 5 Min Fri, bestofcbqt
Most schools hire coaches because they believe instructional coaching will improve student learning. While this is true in many situations it’s not the ONLY reason to hire coaches. In fact, I’ve had so many conversations with coaches and school leaders lately...
by Kim Cofino | Aug 30, 2023 | 5 Min Fri, bestofcbqt
For the last few months I’ve been having conversations with school leaders and coaches about the support they need in building their coaching program. These schools are either in the initial stages of building a coaching program, or they’re working to refine their...
by Kim Cofino | Jun 7, 2023 | 5 Min Fri, bestofcbqt
The end of the academic year is a perfect time to reflection and set intentions for the next school year. But, we can do so much more with those intentions! Now is the perfect time to be strategic and think about how we can leverage our influential and informal...
by Kim Cofino | Feb 1, 2023 | 5 Min Fri, bestofcbqt, Coaches as Leaders
Recognizing and embracing your leadership, as a coach, is a key step to building a coaching culture in your school, to working with more coaches, and to ensuring that your coaching program grows and thrives. If you’re struggling as a coach right now, and feeling...
by Kim Cofino | Dec 7, 2022 | 5 Min Fri, bestofcbqt
We know that teachers are busy people, and yet, we want them to invest their time and energy in coaching. We know our colleagues want to be the best teachers they can be, but sometimes they still don’t choose to engage in coaching cycles with us. Why is that?...
by Kim Cofino | Nov 9, 2022 | 5 Min Fri, bestofcbqt
Sometimes as coaches, we get stuck in the mindset that because coaching is based on individual teacher goals, they will come to you to seek support. That would be amazing, but it doesn’t always work that way – for lots of reasons, including everything from how...
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